I am Josefina Molfese also known as Jofi, Jofito, Jofita, Jofisima or Jose, I was born in Buenos Aires (Argentina) on september 29, 1986 and among many things I am an ARTIST

Although my inclination for art is something that has accompanied me since my childhood, at the age of 25 I discovered that painting was a refuge for me.

It connects me with who I truly am and want to be.

I am vegetarian, librian, chocolate lover, fourth of five sisters, aimless walker, sensitive, friendly and intense.

I live in Barcelona and my life passes between brushes, pencils, colors and clothes always stained with paint.

One of my mottos in life is “art saves you” and that is what I want to convey with my works, stories, courses and workshops. 

Telling stories through my personalized paints is one of the things I enjoy doing the most, it make me fell part of a whole. 

You will know my through mi ART

My works are eclectic, varied and with vibrant colors. Navy blues and greens can not be missing!

Also, I am a curious illustrator who likes to experiment with different materials and techniques.

I like to teach children and adults my passion for art, creating spaces without judgments or labels, creating simply to be